Vintage Balboa Classic Motorhomes information and documents
Curious about classic motorhomes? Learn more about Balboa Motorhomes here.
Curious about classic motorhomes? Learn more about Balboa Motorhomes here.
Only a genius would take off in a 51 year old RV, then put nearly 50,000 miles on it in 3 years. I am that genius. Ha!
Join in the fun! This website has been created to provide a source of information and inspiration for owners and fans of vintage Balboa Motorhomes! Classic motorhomes can be a great hobby. In addition, I'm working to collect history and photos of Balboas that are still out there. Feel free to share your photos, stories and adventures! The internet has created a great way for the remaining Balboa motorhomes to come out of the shadows.
If you would like, I'd happily share your Balboa here for the rest of us to enjoy. Likewise, if you are "internet shy", I'd love to hear about your Balboa privately. Feel free to send a note.
I will also chronicle the crazy adventure of bringing this sight unseen purchase back to Florida, from the Pacific Northwest. Learn from my impatience, it was costly.
Please contact me with info, questions, tips, or anything else you'd like to share. Drop a line to info@balboamotorhomes.com
We've covered the southeast, Texas (it's like a country) the southwest, Utah, central Nevada, San Francisco, Southern California, Oregon and Washington coasts, and much more.
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